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The 3W Municipalities program is starting!


The 3W Municipalities is an educational program for leaders of local communities in the field of sustainable development, including water and sewage management and the implementation of green and blue infrastructure projects in local governments. The series of eight online training courses starts on February 29th, 2024.

The program was created for representatives of local governments throughout Poland who are responsible for designing the development of their municipalities and investments in the spirit of sustainable development.

Participants will take part in 8 online meetings, which include several thematic modules filled with knowledge and practice. They will learn, among other things, how to obtain financing for green and blue infrastructure projects, how to implement ESG solutions, how to introduce innovations in accordance with the law and how to cooperate effectively with universities. Additionally, program participants will have the opportunity to take part in workshops with recognized experts and practitioners in the field of creating modern solutions for local governments. After completing the program, participants will receive a 3W Leader Certificate confirming participation in workshops and training.

The content partners are organizations from the 3W world:

The program topics are available on the idea3W.org website in the 3W Municipalities tab.

If you have any questions about the organization of the program, please contact Agata Sobolewska, 3W expert:

agata.sobolewska@bgk.pl, +48 509 001 543.

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woda wodór węgiel