3W Interdisciplinary Innovation Centre

3W Interdisciplinary Innovation Centre: Creating the future together

Welcome to the 3W Interdisciplinary Innovation Centre, where innovation and collaboration are shaping our future. Our primary mission is to create a friendly ecosystem that facilitates the process of commercialisation of innovative solutions in the area of water, hydrogen and carbon. We attach the greatest importance to fostering synergies between the worlds of science, business and public administration. These are the core areas of our activity:


Forging stronger ties

We bring together the world of higher education institutions, researchers, business and public administration in an effort to create innovative solutions. Our cooperation involves the creation of educational and training programmes that reflect the latest achievements and needs in the 3W domain. We establish and develop partnerships with organisations with a profile similar to ours for mutual inspiration and advancement. We also support the commercialisation of inventions, making them available to the general market. Together with scientists, we conduct technology validation and certification processes to help new innovative solutions reach the market faster.


Linking science and business communities and supporting commercialisation

We are the bridge linking the world of science, which seeks partners for commercialisation, with business, which requires innovative solutions. We help raise funds for the development of projects in the 3W sector. As part of our support we offer the best technologies and practices to help convert ideas into viable products and services.


Piloting 3W projects

At the Centre, we support pilot projects related to the areas of water, hydrogen and carbon, striving to ensure their efficiency and consistency with the 3W concept. We carefully analyse the technology readiness level (TRL) and offer legal consultations and support in the process of acquiring patents. Our goal is to support innovative solutions from idea to market, ensuring success on the international stage.


Popularising the 3W Idea

We want the 3W idea to become widely recognised. That’s why we organise seminars, workshops and conferences to raise awareness of the 3W initiative and showcase best practices. We promote cooperation between the world of science, business and public administration, inspiring innovation and development. Our activities contribute to creating a society that is more conscious and responsible towards the future of our planet. The 3W Interdisciplinary Innovation Centre is a place where ideas become reality and innovation shapes the future. Join our community and together let’s change the world for the better. Together, we can achieve more by creating new solutions that will be beneficial for both people and the planet.

Walidacja technologii

Walidacja technologii ma pomóc innowatorom uwiarygodnić ich pomysł i produkt w oczach potencjalnych inwestorów i konsumentów.

Ma zagwarantować najwyższy standard jakości przedstawionej technologii, w świetle istniejących rozwiązań na rynku oraz jej przewagę konkurencyjną opartą na swoistych rozwiązaniach.

Polega na ocenie merytorycznej realizowanej przez autorytety naukowe z Interdyscyplinarnego Centrum Innowacji – w uzasadnionych przypadkach przewidujemy także badania techniczne weryfikowanej technologii lub produktów.

Pozytywna ocena i zakończenie procesu walidacji skutkuje przyznaniem Certyfikatu 3W.

Zainteresowanych walidacją technologii zapraszamy do kontaktu na maila: 3w@bgk.pl

IIC members

The 3W Interdisciplinary Innovation Centre is a place where ideas become reality and innovation shapes the future. Join our community and together let’s change the world for the better. Together, we can achieve more by creating new solutions that will be beneficial for both people and the planet.