
Japan plans to increase its hydrogen supply to nearly 20 million tonnes by 2050, assuming that the global hydrogen market will generate USD 2.5 trillion in annual revenue. It is a strategic cooperation partner for the 3W Idea. In September 2022, BGK’s delegation, with honorary participation of Beata Daszyńska-Muzyczka, the President of the Management Board, signed a memorandum of cooperation with Japan Bank for International Cooperation (JBIC). The commitment relates to mutual support for projects that enhance the energy security of Poland and the Three Seas Region, in line with the idea of green transition, and that support the reconstruction of Ukraine.

Read the coverage on that event.

Nawet najdalszą podróż zaczyna się od pierwszego kroku. Taka myśl towarzyszyła nam, gdy podjęliśmy wyzwanie zaszczepienia naszej idei #3W w kraju kwitnącej wiśni - Japonii ⛩. 1⃣2⃣ grudnia w Ambasadzie RP w Tokio zorganizowaliśmy Seminarium 3W: woda, wodór, węgiel - nierozerwalnie połączone zasoby życia. Celem spotkania było przedstawienie idei 3W japońskim partnerom.

In September 2023, a 3W delegation participated in PAIH’s hydrogen mission to Japan. The 3W representation visited the Hydrogen Energy Research Field (FH2R) in Fukushima, the world’s largest facility producing hydrogen using renewable energy.

The 3W Idea was presented to international leaders at the Decarbonisation Expo in Tokyo. The exhibition showcases advanced solutions in the area of decarbonisation involving renewable energy, energy management technologies, net zero energy buildings, or next generation ventilation. Operational cooperation has been established with Mitshubishi and Kawasaki Heavy Industries, among others.