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Eight new organizations join the 3W world


To the 3W initiative, which builds and integrates the community, among others: scientists, entrepreneurs and representatives of the public sector, eight new organizations join. Each of these units has unique experience and expertise that enrich the socio-economic ecosystem of the 3W initiative.

The 3W idea supports the development of an innovative economic sector that combines water, hydrogen and carbon into a coherent socio-economic ecosystem. Recently, eight entities have joined it: DBR 77 Robotics, STASTO Automation, Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH), Progres, Rohlig Suus Logistics, Capital Development Center, Renewable Energy Institute and Biazet. They all share a commitment to the development of water, hydrogen and carbon technologies and a concern for the sustainable use of at least one of these three resources.

Promoting cooperation and interaction between various participants of the 3W ecosystem: scientists, entrepreneurs, representatives of administration and society is the essence of the 3W idea. Over 200 organizations from the 3W world create a community that designs, implements and uses technologies related to water, hydrogen and carbon - resource so crucial to the future of the Polish economy.

Agata Sobolewska, an expert in building relationships and partnerships in the 3W Department at Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego, emphasizes the importance of cooperation and combining various environments in building the success of the 3W initiative: - Entrepreneurs who join the 3W world see the potential of cooperation and joint action. Their active involvement is another step towards building a strong community, ready to create innovative solutions that are so necessary for the Polish economy to be able to compete on the international arena. Each such cooperation is a reason for satisfaction, and at the same time an encouragement to continue to engage in creating sustainable solutions for the good of our future. 

Among the new participants who, together with the 3W Idea, support the sustainable socio-economic development of Poland, we welcome:

  • DBR 77 Robotics offers support in the implementation of digital solutions and automation of production plants, contributing to the efficient use of resources and reducing production losses
  • STASTO Automation supports the energy transformation and supplies valves and fittings for the construction of hydrogen installations
  • The Polish Investment and Trade Agency (PAIH) works to increase the inflow of foreign direct investments into the country and the internationalization of Polish enterprises, promoting exports and developing foreign markets
  • Progress helps you manage energy effectively and coordinates investments aimed at reducing costs related to energy consumption and CO2 emissions.
  • Rohlig Suus Logistics develops the ideas of handling logistics processes in accordance with ESG principles, works to provide customers with solutions based on alternative energy sources
  • The Capital Development Center supports entrepreneurs, research units and public institutions in implementing new investments, designing and implementing new products and services.
  • The OZE Institute is an engineering and consulting company focused on using the potential of renewable energy sources and servicing investments related to hydropower and water management.
  • Biazet is a designer and contract manufacturer, actively participating in the life of the business community, investing in modern and sustainable energy sources, including hydrogen.

You and your company can also become part of the 3W world. Register on the 3W platform, which we created to connect entities from the world of science, business and public administration to facilitate their cooperation and implementation of projects in the area of water, hydrogen and carbon. This is a place where you will find the latest reports, data on the 3W sector, expert opinions and contact partners who will help you implement your ambitious 3W projects. Check: www.idea3w.org.


Świat 3W_styczen

Świat 3W_styczen

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