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Raport Idea 3W 2022

New BGK Report on 3W: Value of Market in Poland Approximates USD 5 Billion


The report was prepared to compile data pertaining to the 3W sector and to confirm the actual potential of the new branch of economy that BGK was the first to spot. Main conclusions from the report were presented during the briefing by Beata Daszyńska-Muzyczka, President of Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego and initiator of the 3W idea.

‘When we set up the 3W initiative in 2021, we knew that focusing on the three resources was important. However, back then we did not know that – first of all – we would build the 3W ecosystem that unites various environments: scientific, business and public administration within such a short time and – secondly –- that the potential of the 3W sector was so great, greater than we had estimated,’ President Beata Daszyńska-Muzyczka commented on the première of the study.

The 3W idea is a vision of the future. It relies on several premises, such as better access to potable water and food, energy transformation towards zero-emission and physical and economic safety. The 3W concept relies on three resources that are going to be pivotal for our future: water, hydrogen and carbon. In this vision, the society benefits from the water resources that are managed in a sustainable manner, the hydrogen technologies that are clean and the carbon materials that are greatly innovative.

Economy Sector To Continue Its Growth

The BGK’s interest in water, hydrogen and carbon results directly from the bank’s strategy: its mission is to support sustainable socio-economic development of our country. According to BGK, 3W is a response to the challenges that the entire society faces in the 21st century, among others the energy transformation and safe access to potable water. The Bank has identified opportunities brought by the 3W idea and the market related to it.

The in-depth analysis that BGK commissioned from EY shows that the value of the 3W sector nowadays amounts to USD 4.86 billion in Poland, USD 66.49 billion in Europe and USD 236.6 billion in the world. By 2030, the greatest growth in our country will take place in the carbon technology sector – by almost 9%, while the value of the entire 3W market will go up to USD 5.6 billion.

The study also refers to the synergic applications of these three resources of the future. The Bank emphasises that their inter-dependence, whose flagship example is electrolysis, is a key to understand the 3W idea. According to the report, the greatest impact of synergy can be noted, among others, in industry, health protection, housing, as well as infrastructure, transport and logistics. 3W will also affect social and territorial cohesion.

As stressed by Beata Daszyńska-Muzyczka, the data contained in the study will offer a basis for making business decisions  not only for the investors, but also entrepreneurs, scientists and representatives of local governments. Hence, the analysis indicates the directions of development of the Polish economy to become more competitive in Europe and in the world. This is an issue that the initiators of the 3W idea especially care about.

The report is available at idea3w.org

How will the 3W idea influence the quality of life of the society, how will it help solve the problems, among them reduced resources of potable water, the necessity of energy transformation or the physical security in the times of unstable geo-political situation? We can read about this and about the construction of an eco-system based on the three resources in the report titled ‘Water, Hydrogen and Carbon: the Resources that Have Built and Are Changing the World.’ The study can be downloaded from the website of the 3W initiative: www.idea3w.org/raport-3w

Second 3W Congress: Three Resources, One Planet, Joint Responsibility

The Second 3W Congress was held in Warsaw on 7 and 8 December. It was yet another event organised by Bank Gospodarstwa Krajowego as part of the 3W initiative, which integrates representatives of numerous milieus: the world of science, business and the public sector. During the two days, several hundred persons, among them scientists, entrepreneurs and representatives of NGOS, public sector and financial institutions discussed the potential offered by the innovative 3W technologies. At the beginning, Krzysztof Kubów, Secretary of State and Head of the Political Office of the President of the Council of Ministers read the letter of Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki. The special guest at this year’s edition of the Congress was Tim Marshall – expert for geopolitics and author of the book ‘Prisoners of Geography.’


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