Wojskowa Akademia Techniczna im. Jarosława Dąbrowskiego (Military University of Technology, MUT) in Warsaw is a military, academic polytechnic university operating since 1951. As a public university supervised by the Minister of National Defence, the University educates students and conducts scientific research.
The MUT offer includes: first degree studies (engineering and bachelor’s degree), second degree (master’s degree), third degree (doctorate), as well as postgraduate studies and further education and language courses.
The University educates students in military and civilian studies. Graduates of military studies receive the professional title of magister inżynier and are appointed to the rank of second lieutenant. Civilian studies are generally available, without any obligation to the Ministry of National Defence. These studies provide the opportunity to obtain the professional title of inżynier or licencjat, magister inżynier or magister, a scientific degree of doktor.
The specificity of the University is the training of candidates for professional soldiers for the needs of the Polish Armed Forces, in corpses and personnel groups in accordance with the needs and the limit set each year by the Minister of National Defence. Recruitment for this type of studies is conducted among high school graduates applying to take up service in the Polish Army.
During their studies, cadets receive accommodation, food, uniforms and financial compensation at the expense of the Ministry of National Defence.
The University conducts civilian studies in full-time and part-time mode in over twenty majors. Full-time studies are free of charge, part-time studies — paid. Admission limits for particular fields of study are set by the Rector’s decision before starting the recruitment process.
The curricula implemented at the University have been developed on the basis of the intended learning outcomes adopted by the University Senate, in accordance with the Polish Qualification Framework (PQF) for higher education in the scope of: knowledge, skills and competences. The training of candidates for professional soldiers is also based on the training content specified in the military training standard developed by the Ministry of National Defence for candidates for officers. Most of the fields of study conducted at the University are accredited by the Polish Accreditation Committee (PAC) and/or the Accreditation Committee of Technical Universities (ACTU), and some also hold the European Certificate EUR-ACE®Bachelor, EUR-ACE®Master — thanks to this, by ensuring high quality of education, MUT graduates can compete on both the Polish and European labour market.
The didactic process in the MUT is currently carried out by eight basic organisational units: Faculty of Cybernetics, Faculty of Electronics, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geodesy, Faculty of Security, Logistics and Management, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Faculty of Faculty of Mechatronics and Aerospace, Faculty of New Technologies and Chemistry and Institute of Optoelectronics.
Education in foreign languages, physical culture and military training is carried out by general educational units, respectively: Foreign Languages School, Physical Education School and Military Training School.
The University conducts scientific research as well as implementation and modernization works in the field of technical and military sciences.
Military University of Technology, as a recognized and highly reputable polytechnic university, cooperates with many national universities, institutions and research centres, e.g. with the Warsaw University of Technology, Poznań University of Technology, Łódź University of Technology, Wrocław University of Technology, Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań, Institute of Fundamental Technological Problems of the Polish Academy of Sciences. Cooperation ties also connect MUT with foreign universities and institutions, e.g. the United Kingdom, France, Germany, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, Romania and the USA. The effect of this cooperation is the exchange of students and staff participating in the implementation of international programmes, papers and research. MUT military students selected through a competition study at West Point, USA.
The MUT operates the European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System ECTS, which enables students to carry out part of their studies at other national and foreign universities. The MUT international student exchange takes place through the Erasmus+ programme and the national exchange takes place through the MOSTECH programme and others.