1. Domestic funds – support funds sourced directly from the state budget, local government units and state-operated special purpose funds. The characteristic of domestic funds is that they are obliged to carry out their activities only in accordance with national legislation
Competitions organised by the NFEP&WM – the National Fund offers loans, grants and other forms of co-financing for projects implemented by, among others, local governments, businesses, public entities, social organisations and individuals (e.g. Development of Hydrogen Economy)
BGK actively supports local governments in the implementation of their tasks – over the past 10 years it has provided financing to the local government sector amounting to nearly PLN 20 billion. Cooperation between BGK and local government units mostly involve programmes and funds in the following areas: housing, accessibility, regeneration, as well as support with EU and national funds. For years, BGK has also been a partner of the local government sector in direct financing through credit facilities, loans and bonds. This support covers all areas of local government activity: water supply and sewerage systems, waste management, district heating, transport, housing, healthcare, tourism, sports, investments in public facilities.
2. European Structural Funds – funds that improve the competitiveness of economies of EU Member States. The funds are earmarked only for a specific region/state, and the operator is the relevant Member State. The rules for the use of the funds are defined by a relevant legal act, which defines the rules for the implementation of programmes under the cohesion policy, in short referred to as the Implementation Act.
Competitions organised by individual cross-sectoral programmes to support research and investment works for entrepreneurs and local government units.
Competitions – cross-sectoral programmes to support research and investment works for entrepreneurs.